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The various ministries at LFWC are purposefully designed to achieve the goal of reaching people from all walks of life, age groups, educational and economic levels, and religious upbringing.  We are indiscrimanately inclusive and intentional in our approach to ministry. There is a place for everyone to utilize their gifts and graces for minsitry.

Prayer and Intercession
Prayer is a discipline that much of the church world had neglected to pursue with the same passion and drive as other areas of ministry.  It is for sure, without prayer we are disconnected from our source and fall short of God's command to pray always. At LFWC prayer is an important ingrediet to our ministry. Before every service whether during the week or on Sunday our team of prayer warriors are petitioning God on behalf of the members, community, the city and the nation.
Youth Ministry

A growing, living church is a church full of youth. The Youth Ministry better know as BANG ( Building A New Generation) is a vibrant ministry that is passionately involved in teaching, training and interacting with young men and women in order to expose them to their god-given place in the Kingdom of God.

Sunday School

As the saying goes, "if you know your Bible the Sunday School needs you.  if you don't know your Bible you need the Sunday School". SS is the life blood of Living Faith. Sunday School begins at 10:00 am and ends at 11:00.  there are classes for every age group and gender. It interactive, insightful and inspiring.

Daughters of Destiny
The Womens Ministry is led by First Lady Johnson on a quest to become the women that are portrayed in the Bible. The DOD focuses on issues that are akin to women and teaches them to serve God in humility. Every 3rd saturday they gather for LIFT ( Ladies In Fellowship Together which is a designed to promote excellence in everyday living, strengthen women in their walk with God, and equip women to do the work of the ministry in its various forms.


Music is a blessing to any worship expreience. The music ministry encompasses Praise and Worship, Liturgical Dance, Mimme, Choirs, Musicians, and hymnologist. The purpose of thes areas of music is to prepare the hearts and minds of the worshipper to hear the Word of God. For us its not just singing, playing or performing, its ministry.

Men of Destiny
God's plan for men has not changed.  Although society has redefined the role of the man we believe his role is important to the family, community and the world as a whole. Men of Destiny seeks to replace the man back where God placed him in the beginning and that's standing as the leader of his family, leading his family into the presence of God and safeguarding them against the plethora of social maladies that seek to destroy our world. MOD believes men play a vital role in society and their presence is need. Our goal is to build that man and give him the tools to be all that God wants him to be both in church and society.
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